samedi 31 mars 2007
vendredi 30 mars 2007
100% web - How is made APFYT 2
Sources :
*Flickr (Creative Commons ...)
*British library
Collections :
*New terrestrials
*Orbs ...
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Libellés - tags collections, how, sources, web
De Gua 1
De Gua's theorem is a generalization of the Pythagorean theorem to three dimensions and named for Jean Paul de Gua de Malves. If a tetrahedron has a right angle corner (a corner like a cube), then the square of the area of the face opposite the right angle corner is the sum of the squares of the areas of the other three faces.
Just see WP, nothing to add for now.
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Libellés - tags De Gua, dimension, Pythagoras, square, wikideepia, wp
SPARC® Europe
Welcome to SPARC® Europe, the alliance of European research libraries, library organizations, and research institutions. We advocate change in the scholarly communications market, support competition, and encourage new publishing models (in particular, open access models) that better serve the international researcher community.
Bodleian Library
Broad Street, Oxford
What's New:
The EC has published its Communication on Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Access, Dissemination and Preservation. (Also available in French and German.) The highlights include the commitment to include publishing costs in research projects and €50 million for work on infrastructures, in particular digital repositories, in 2007-2008. The Communication stopped short of a deposit mandate, but did say that 'specific guidelines [will be] issued, within specific programmes, on the publication of articles in open repositories'. This takes the EC one step closer to mandating deposit. (20/02/07)
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Libellés - tags Communication, EC, Information, libraries, Scientific
So Much More to Know
From the nature of the cosmos to the nature of societies, the following 100 questions span the sciences ... from Science.
Is ours the only universe?
What drove cosmic inflation?
When and how did the first stars and galaxies form?
Where do ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays come from?
What powers quasars?
What is the nature of black holes?
Why is there more matter than antimatter?
Does the proton decay?
What is the nature of gravity?
Why is time different from other dimensions?
Why do you smile ?
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mercredi 28 mars 2007
The Lake Palanskoye in northern Kamchatka was formed when a large landslide disrupted the drainage pattern, forming a natural dam. loucher sur l'image pour voir le relief. By NASA and sons.
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Libellés - tags dimension, Kamchatka, Nasa, stereogram, wp
One more dimension
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Libellés - tags dimension
Benedict of Aniane
Benedict of Aniane (also called Witiza; the Second Benedict) (c. 747 – 11 February 821) was a saint born in France.
The son of the Goth, Aigulf, Count of Maguelone in Languedoc, France, Witiza was educated at the Frankish court of Pippin the Younger, and entered the royal service.samedi 24 mars 2007
mercredi 21 mars 2007
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
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Libellés - tags Capture, Fort, Ticonderoga
gecko but not but - main article: Esse est percipi
by /kallu
Some rights reserved.
A gardener, an architect, and a lawyer are discussing which of their vocations is the most ancient. The gardener comments, "My vocation goes back to the Garden of Eden, when God told Adam to tend the garden." The architect comments, "My vocation goes back to the creation, when God created the world itself from primordial chaos." They both look curiously at the lawyer, who asks, "And who do you think created the primordial chaos?"
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? This popular philosophical riddle appears often in pop culture, and raises many difficult questions regarding observation, and our knowledge of reality.
(cited from WP )
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Libellés - tags chaos, flickagain, gecko, reality, wp
Humorist [844]
#844. Humorist. -- N. humorist, wag, wit, reparteeist[obs3], epigrammatist, punster; bel esprit, life of the party; wit-snapper, wit- cracker, wit-worm; joker, jester, Joe Miller|!, drole de corps[obs3], gaillard[obs3], spark; bon diable[Fr]; practical joker.
buffoon, farceur[French], merry-andrew, mime, tumbler, acrobat, mountebank, charlatan, posturemaster[obs3], harlequin, punch, pulcinella[obs3], scaramouch[obs3], clown; wearer of the cap and bells, wearer of the motley; motley fool; pantaloon, gypsy; jack-pudding, jack in the green, jack a dandy; wiseacre, wise guy, smartass [coll.]; fool &c. 501.
zany, madcap; pickle-herring, witling[obs3], caricaturist, grimacier[obs3]; persifleur[obs3].
2. Discriminative Affections
The POETS Project at Kyoto Notre Dame University
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Libellés - tags humorist, roget, thesaurus, thisgoodoldroget
braids, knots and quintefoils
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Libellés - tags braids, fresh, knots, quintefoils
mardi 20 mars 2007
new terrestrials 2
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Libellés - tags new, terrestrials
New terrestrials
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Libellés - tags new, terrestres, terrestrials
lundi 19 mars 2007
baby you can drive my car (2day)
San Juan Capistrano is also known for its Cliff Swallows. The protected birds are reputed to return from migration on St. Joseph's Day (March 19) each year, a day celebrated by the city's annual Swallows' Day Parade and other festive events. The are reputed to leave on October 23, the former feast day of St. John of Capistrano.
Flr says : "We couldn't find any photos matching ami and conduis and mon and véhicule.
Would you like to try a search for photos about friend, curitiba, museu, portrait or brasil instead?"
New Orleans
Searching for the Nawlins tag, I found an "oven vaults" that led me to search for :
/> acme marble granite (one hit) and then
/> walkway metro hall (one hit also!) Can you do better ?
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Libellés - tags capistrano, curitiba, vaults
arctic fox
This guy is a genius amongst others ...
Montage-a-google is a simple web-based app that uses Google's image search to generate a large gridded montage of images based on keywords (search terms) entered by the user.
Click to launch project
Guess-the-google reverses this process by picking the keywords for you, the player must then guess what keyword made up the image - it's surprisingly addictive.
Click to launch project
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vendredi 16 mars 2007
In heraldry and vexillology, fimbriation refers to small strips of colour (technically called "tincture" in this sense in heraldry) placed around common charges or ordinaries, usually in order for them to stand out from the background, but perhaps just because the designer felt it looked better, or for a more technical reason (in heraldry only) to avoid what would otherwise be a violation of the rule of tincture.
Take, for example, this.
mercredi 14 mars 2007
Turning the pages offers images from Sherborne missal, Sforza hours ...
Every detail is a hint for our favorite author's inspiration. Here : magic trees for Tolkien, Dodo for Carroll's Alice. More to come!
Black newts
Newton (by) WilliamBlake. Blake's picture of Newton as a divine geometer was one of a series he created while living in Lambeth in the late 1790s.
Please note the roll (as any evangelist uses - - see Lindisfarne) and the compass (as any map maker has - - see Mercator.)
About Lambeth, the french WP says :
"Le village anglais de Lambeth s'est développé autour du manoir, résidence de l'archevêque de Cantorbéry depuis le XIIIe siècle. Dans l'ancien Hôpital de Bethleem (1812 et 1843) est installé le Musée de la Guerre.
Lambeth est jumelée avec Vincennes, France.
L'empoisonneur de Lambeth, assassin de quatre prostituées à la strychnine, fut pendu en 1892."
... Lambeth is a place in the London Borough of Lambeth, although the area is now more commonly known as Waterloo, after the railway station whose viaduct separates the former centre of the village from the River Thames ...
Individuals associated with Lambeth
Gordon Comstock - fictional Poet from George Orwell's book Keep the Aspidistra Flying ...
Medieval icons
I shall need a certain amount of time to see and show how medieval iconography, with its subjects, themes and archetypes borrowed from sacred authors, is the major source for things as different (but are they ?) as tarot cards or Lord of the Rings and Da Vinci Code’s favourite places and plots … Examples follow. See here some Cena's Magdalene.
See also that Bible people of those times did love braids, knots ans quintefoils, were they christians, irish monks, jews or muslims.
Some of you readers might like to give me hints - my only source for now is “turning the pages” offered by the British Library.