Orion series - 3
Here are some of its stars (cont’d) :
* γ Ori (Bellatrix), "warrior woman", is at Orion's left shoulder.
* ζ Ori (Alnitak), ε Ori (Alnilam) and δ Ori (Mintaka) make up the asterism known as Orion's Belt: three bright stars in a row; even from these alone one can recognize Orion.
* η Ori (Eta Orionis), between Delta Orionis and Rigel.
* κ Ori (Saiph) is at Orion's right knee.
* β Ori (Rigel), at the constellation's left knee, is a large blue-white star, among the brightest in the sky. It has three companions, also difficult to see.
* ι Ori (Hatsya) is at the tip of Orion's sword.
According to the most common contemporary imagery: Orion is standing next to the river Eridanus with his two hunting dogs Canis Major and Canis Minor, fighting Taurus the bull. Other prey of his, such as Lepus the hare, can be found nearby (source : WP.)
* γ Ori (Bellatrix), "warrior woman", is at Orion's left shoulder.
* ζ Ori (Alnitak), ε Ori (Alnilam) and δ Ori (Mintaka) make up the asterism known as Orion's Belt: three bright stars in a row; even from these alone one can recognize Orion.
* η Ori (Eta Orionis), between Delta Orionis and Rigel.
* κ Ori (Saiph) is at Orion's right knee.
* β Ori (Rigel), at the constellation's left knee, is a large blue-white star, among the brightest in the sky. It has three companions, also difficult to see.
* ι Ori (Hatsya) is at the tip of Orion's sword.
According to the most common contemporary imagery: Orion is standing next to the river Eridanus with his two hunting dogs Canis Major and Canis Minor, fighting Taurus the bull. Other prey of his, such as Lepus the hare, can be found nearby (source : WP.)
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