mercredi 14 mars 2007

Black newts

Newton (by) WilliamBlake. Blake's picture of Newton as a divine geometer was one of a series he created while living in Lambeth in the late 1790s.

Please note the roll (as any evangelist uses - - see Lindisfarne) and the compass (as any map maker has - - see Mercator.)

About Lambeth, the french WP says :
"Le village anglais de Lambeth s'est développé autour du manoir, résidence de l'archevêque de Cantorbéry depuis le XIIIe siècle. Dans l'ancien Hôpital de Bethleem (1812 et 1843) est installé le Musée de la Guerre.
Lambeth est jumelée avec Vincennes, France.
L'empoisonneur de Lambeth, assassin de quatre prostituées à la strychnine, fut pendu en 1892."

... Lambeth is a place in the London Borough of Lambeth, although the area is now more commonly known as Waterloo, after the railway station whose viaduct separates the former centre of the village from the River Thames ...
Individuals associated with Lambeth
Gordon Comstock - fictional Poet from George Orwell's book Keep the Aspidistra Flying ...

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