mercredi 29 août 2007
jeudi 23 août 2007
I need what
Beauty unfolding! by ineedathis
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 15:08 0 comment'aire's
Libellés - tags beauty
jeudi 26 juillet 2007
samedi 14 juillet 2007
mercredi 27 juin 2007
you still have to see a real icosahedron
Major seismotectonic belts/'plate boundaries' (broken lines) compared with an icosahedron.[6] 'Plate boundaries' (i.e. seismic belts) meet coincide very closely with the vertices of an icosahedron, which, like the tetrahedron, is one of the five regular polyhedra or Platonic solids.
But you still have to see a real icosathumb ... And even a real dodecahedron - made of pentagons - is regular, a property that the plaque boundaries do not exhibit.
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 14:45 0 comment'aire's
cars 3
By Arno & Louise...
Gridlock by Curtis Perry
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 12:51 0 comment'aire's
mardi 26 juin 2007
mazamaze 2
mirror maze by n0nnahs
Wien: The Belvedere Sphinx (shortly before a hail storm) & A (Temporary) Goodbye by Suzanna
Maze by B0nes
indifference by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³
Note. The alieness is a super fave.
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 13:07 0 comment'aire's
Libellés - tags maze
dimanche 24 juin 2007
TGV tessellation, backlit by Mélisande*
sez Mélisande* : "Folded in the TGV (train à grande vitesse) while going to Paris last week-end.
A wonderful paper precreased by Jane, thanks. Her tiny grids are very useful for travel, one can fold quietly on one's lap, no need to ask neighbour permission to use his knees."
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 03:18 0 comment'aire's
The Labyrinth at Camp by D. Bjorn
Sever's corn maze by EricGjerde
maze garden by entr'acte
maze by h. wren
Ely cathedral maze by andreakkk
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 03:04 0 comment'aire's
Libellés - tags maze
by fdecomite
- Applying a Mathmap sphere transform after a Bonnemaison transform gives you something like a tennis ball !
The original Bonnemaison transform is a little bit earlier in the stream. (Escheresque pool)
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 02:55 0 comment'aire's
Libellés - tags Bonnemaison, Escher
samedi 23 juin 2007
by polyscene
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 09:10 0 comment'aire's
Libellés - tags mimsy
vendredi 22 juin 2007
I'm not Melusine
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 14:32 0 comment'aire's
42 people want
42 people want to do this… on "43things"
Popular Tags: art blake cosmic creativity design divination jung symbolic system tarot
First added to Coal's listdesign a tarot deck
* deadgirl0711 Kansas City
* justcallmepip
* mystic_jenn
* miss_manda_bee
* cedar_lea Portland
* brandylien Vancouver
* Lokust
* Phantom_Mermaid
* superluiser Cancún
* innowen windchaser Vancouver
* exiled_uk
* wolfgrrl
* canary_guy
* lisarea425
* operagrrl Massachusetts
* angryinanna
* -U! a.k.a. Uriel A. Duran Mexico City
* blackink Manchester
* somnambular Portland
* baldman
* prairiekittin Vancouver
* scarysheree
* Uadjit
* enchantress Anaheim
* Chainlink Olathe
* TheArtisanBlair
* DrRevLynn
* dantheman1532
* Voudoo
* silica Scottsbluff
* lilnin420
* Ember Portland
* mezzi Rovaniemi
* cutebugg
* Chaseton
* WorldImpulse
* nitzsche Mumbai
* jasmonster
* nickym86
* Coal Greenock
* Strange2 Flossmoor
* Derk134
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 13:36 0 comment'aire's
cc (you won't believe)
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 12:19 0 comment'aire's
lundi 18 juin 2007
All those cards for a new tarot deck. How is it made ? A Mountain View search and a monochrome deliberate design.
Par - by les compagnons du forficule à 08:11 0 comment'aire's